Published Manual

General Subjects

01.001 - Preparation of Policies
01.002 - Policy Numbering System
01.003 - 大学政策的例外或限制
01.015 - 中心和研究所的建立和审查
01.021 - 通过计算和学习服务管理销售/服务活动的政策, The Electronics Shop, The Pro Shop and The Student Art Store
01.024 - Classroom and Laboratory Scheduling
01.025 - Use of Ohio University Facilities
01.030 - Production and Hosting of Major Events
01.040 - 承诺言论自由声明
01.041 - Campus Freedom of Expression
01.042 - Use of Indoor Spaces
01.044 - Use of Outdoor Spaces
02.001 - Open Meetings
02.002 - 禁止
03.001 - 健康保险流通与责任法案(HIPAA)合规性一般政策
03.002 - Distribution of the Ethics Bill
03.003 - 遵守美国残疾人法案
03.004 - 性骚扰及其他不当性行为
03.005 - Procedure to Implement H. B. 1219
03.006 - Whistle-blowing and Retaliation
03.007 - Guest and Temporary Housing
03.010 - 未成年人 on Campus
03.014 - 海外教育项目预支现金
03.015 - Travel Advances
03.016 - Foundation Expenditures
03.020 - 选定组织之会费及会费之缴付
04.001 - Information Technology Accessibility
09.900 - Issuance of Identification Cards

Academic Matters

12.001 - 追授学士学位
12.002 - Posthumous Awarding of Graduate Degrees
12.010 - 使用学生资讯系统(SIS)
12.020 - Student Records
12.021 - Student Names
12.022 - Student Address
12.023 - Student Emergency 联系 Information
12.030 - Course Credit and 分级 in Emergencies
12.040 - 分级
12.050 - 取消注册、退课和退课
12.055 - Deadlines for Adding and Dropping Classes
12.060 - 受调派或永久转岗影响的军人及军人附属学生
14.101 - 部门图书馆:指引及要求
15.001 - 电视系统的购置和维护
15.005 - Educational Telecommunications Services
15.006 - 高校教材的所有权与利用
15.007 - 教师参与教育电视制作
15.009 - 使用教学媒体和技术服务设备
15.015 - 版权
17.001 - 知识产权的所有权和处置, 员工参与研究商业化
17.900 - 咨询
17.990 - Undergraduate Teaching Contract
18.001 - 教师 Credentials and Tested Experience
18.007 - Appointments for Overseas Assignments
18.009 - 教师 Responsibility and Evaluation
18.031 - Emeritus or Emerita Status
19.045 - 管理外部补助金和合同
19.048 - 专业研究中的欺诈和不当行为
19.049 - Humane Care and Use of Laboratory 动物
19.050 - 向政府机构提交支持研究或其他活动的提案, Business or Industrial Concerns, or Other Organizations
19.051 - Guidelines for Sponsored Research
19.052 - 涉及人类受试者的研究项目
19.053 - 赞助项目和研究奖励基金的分配
19.054 - Equipment Inventory Control
19.056 - Centers and Institutes
19.057 - Animal Facilities 访问ors
19.058 - 赞助项目中的利益冲突
19.059 - 雇员参与授权私营公司商业化newbb电子平台的研究

Student Matters

20.001 - 学生死亡或重伤紧急通知
20.090 - Management of Student Exchanges
20.095 - Approval of Fee Rates
20.100 - 多校区注册的费用评估和调整
20.102 - 实施俄亥俄州校董会规则1-10 -住院医师决定的录取和重新分类程序
20.109 - 基于研究生联营合同的研究生就业
20.110 - Student Employment
21.001 - Medical Services
22.001 - Student travel
23.010 - 被欺侮
23.050 - 张贴广告或通知材料
23.055 - 用粉笔写
24.001 - 在大学财产和兄弟会和姐妹会的房子里的酒精饮料
24.012 - 使用体育部管理的设施
24.020 - 使用邓普顿-布莱克本校友纪念礼堂
24.030 - 校园康乐设施之会籍及使用资格
25.030 - Housing Residency Requirement
28.102 - Graduate Student Contract Grievance Board


31.001 - External Communications
31.005 - 大学传播和营销媒体服务
31.006 - Website CMS User Policy
31.010 - 出版向校外读者分发的期刊
37.001 - Fund Raising from Private Sources
37.004 - Campus Design and Construction
37.010 - Naming University Assets
37.020 - 成立校友组织及赞助校友活动
37.030 - Alumni Records

Administrative Matters

40.001 - 平等就业和教育机会
40.003 - 对真诚信仰和实践的临时合理安排
40.005 - Performance Management for Administrators
40.007 - Public Records Requests
40.011 - Employee Recognition Awards
40.013 - Domestic Partner Benefits
40.015 - newbb电子平台雇员的教育福利
40.016 - 合格家属的教育福利
40.023 - Organ Donation Leave
40.024 - Emergency Service Leave
40.025 - Jury Duty and Court Leave
40.027 - 行政人员事假
40.028 - Personal Days for Classified Employees
40.029 - 教职员工和行政人员的病假和丧假
40.032 - 工人补偿与职业健康管理
40.035 - Vacation Leave Donation
40.037 - 退休行政人员和分类雇员的重新雇用
40.040 - Job Classification System
40.045 - Separations of Classified Employees
40.049 - Overtime for Non-Exempt Employees
40.050 - 工资时间报告的小时工
40.051 - 宣布紧急关闭、提前发布或延迟
40.054 - Family and Medical Leave
40.056 - 自愿短期减免行政人员全职工作津贴
40.057 - Research Appointments
40.058 - Administrative Compensation
40.063 - 管理员和分类员工的弹性工作时间表、弹性工作时间和弹性工作地点
40.075 - Adoption Benefits
40.105 - 大学行政人员聘任的一般原则
40.106 - 工作人员 Appointments
40.107 - 裙带关系
40.110 - Employment Agency Fees
40.121 - 招聘及甄选教职员
40.125 - 就业前背景调查和自我披露的持续责任
41.001 - Vacation and Winter Closure Time
41.002 - Additional Compensation
41.003 - 受薪行政职位的半月工资
41.004 - 计算教员和研究生助理任命的部分工资
41.005 - Institutional base salary
41.007 - Twelve-Month Pay Option
41.008 - Academic Year Pay Schedule for 教师
41.010 - 教职工健康和福利福利
41.011 - 行政雇员申诉程序
41.012 - 行政任命之终止及纪律处分
41.013 - Reduction in Force of Administrators
41.014 - 合约雇员(包括研究生合约雇员)解雇及复职通知书
41.015 - 行政人员减员福利计划
41.016 - Furlough Policy
41.090 - Retirement Separation
41.105 - 总统行政任命人员休假时的退休制度缴纳金
41.111 - Relocation Expenses
41.115 - 行政职务状态确定
41.121 - 报销公务旅行和娱乐费用
41.122 - Petty Cash and Change Funds
41.123 - Entertaining Official Guests
41.125 - 假期
41.127 - Military Leave
41.128 - 总统任命人员的休假
41.129 - 管理人员的专业发展
41.130 - Employee Assistance Program
41.133 - Alcohol and Other Drugs
41.135 - Workplace Violence
41.140 - Political Activity
42.001 - Mail Service
42.100 - Campus Signs
42.120 - Campus Moving Services
42.501 - Decorations in University Buildings
42.550 - Solicitation
44.050 - Physical Access Control
44.100 - Critical Incidents
44.102 - 关于流行病、大流行和社区卫生要求的行政政策
44.104 - Hazardous Materials Management
44.105 - Fire Emergencies
44.107 - 生物危害
44.109 - Safety Management
44.112 - Emergency Medical Care
44.113 - Smoke and Tobacco Free Campus
44.114 - Alarm Installation
44.116 - Radio Communications Equipment
44.117 - Flood Preparation
44.119 - Video Surveillance Systems
44.120 - 动物
45.101 - Graduate Study for Employees
47.001 - 大学车辆的安全、采购、操作、维护和处置
47.002 - Rental of Motor Pool Vehicles
47.003 - Drivers of Commercial Motor Vehicles
47.010 - On-Campus Temporary Food Service Practices
47.015 - 餐饮
47.020 - Chartered Aircraft
47.030 - University Air Transportation
48.001 - Identity Theft Prevention

Business Matters

50.001 - 现金和集合投资(非捐赠基金)
51.001 - Deposits of Funds
52.100 - 国家资助的雅典和地区校园资本改善计划
53.001 - Electronic Signatures
55.002 - Use of University 资源
55.007 - 采购 - Competitive Bidding
55.030 - 采购
55.035 - 采购 - Printing Procurement
55.050 - 采购-newbb电子平台基金会帐户
55.071 - Disposition of Surplus Property
55.074 - Payment Card Program
55.075 - Cell Phone Allowances

Information Technology Matters

91.002 - Computer Services Forms
91.003 - Acceptable Usage
91.004 - University Credentials
91.005 - Information Security
91.006 - Information Security Risk Management
93.001 - Data Classification
93.002 - Records Management and Archiving