41.002: Additional Compensation




September 11, 2017

Initiated by:

Colleen Bendl | Chief Human Resources

Endorsed by:

Deborah Shaffer | Vice President for Finance and Administration 

Approved by:

M. Duane Nellis | President 

Signatures and dates on archival copy
  1. Overview

    本政策的目的是定义各种类型的额外补偿, set limits on amounts, 建立标准,以确定何时需要额外的补偿, 以及描述这些付款的批准和例外流程.

    大学认识到有必要为员工提供超出其正常工作职责范围的服务提供额外补偿. 该政策定义了各种类型的额外补偿和获得这些类型付款的资格标准.

    Implementation of this policy should help to avoid the following:

    1. Inconsistencies within a planning unit in treatment of faculty and staff (e.g., payment versus non-payment for the same kind of work).

    2. 在任命时保证提供额外补偿,而不是表明可能提供这种补偿.

    3. 有关各方未能就诸如应支付额外补偿的义务性质等问题达成充分谅解, the duration of an additional compensation assignment, and the amount of compensation to be paid for each assignment.

  2. Types of additional compensation

    1. Additional salary faculty -支付给履行行政职能的教师,支付给他们在学年结束后继续从事教学以外的工作的工资, typically nine month term. 全职和兼职教师都有资格获得这种额外补偿.

    2. Additional pay short duration faculty -支付给履行行政职能的教员,在少于一个学年的时间内进行工作. 全职和兼职教师都有资格获得这种额外补偿.

    3. Fiscal increment – payment to chairs, deans or directors made on a fiscal year basis. 这种类型的额外补偿只适用于全职教师或院长, and is raise pool eligible.

    4. Instructional overload faculty -超出部门工作量政策规定的教学工作量而支付的教学费用. 在没有教务长办公室批准的情况下,一个财政年度内,所有的综合超载总额不能超过基本工资的25%. Can include payment for course development, grading and advising/mentoring if advisor is a faculty member. 只有全职教师才有资格获得这种额外补偿.

    5. Non-instructional overload faculty - payments made to faculty who perform administrative functions. 在没有教务长办公室批准的情况下,在一个财政年度内,所有合并的超载总额不能超过基本工资的25%. Examples of activities could include professional/consulting services outside of the scope of the primary position; attending a conference, program or event for professional development, program review. 只有全职教师才有资格获得这种额外补偿.

    6. Additional salary administrative -支付行政性质但不包括在一般职位描述内的额外职责/任务. 额外工资的支付将按照员工的聘用期限确定的正常工资支付, must be non-teaching related and approved in advance by compensation.

    7. Additional pay short duration administrative -在少于整个财政年度的时间内,支付行政性质但不包括在一般工作描述内的额外职责/任务的费用, must be non-teaching related and approved in advance by compensation.

    8. Instructional overload administrative and classified -全职行政或分类雇员在合约期内所从事的任何超出其职位描述范围及与教学有关的额外工作(由STRS界定). 包括教学、课程开发职责、评分、建议或指导的费用. 为了遵守公平劳动标准法(FLSA)的加班工资规定, 计划单位必须为所有接受额外补偿的小时工填写“小时工超负荷计算器”表格. This ensures overtime pay, if required, 是否以适当的薪酬率计算在额外补偿金额内.

  3. Additional compensation conditions


    建议的额外薪酬分配和额外薪酬金额必须得到系主任的批准, the dean, the provost, or of other appropriate administrative officers. Approval must be obtained prior to services being performed.

    1. The proposed additional compensation assignment is "professional" (i.e., 在合同人员的专业领域内),由系主任和院长或其他适当的行政官员确定.

    2. 拟议的额外薪酬分配符合大学的目标.

    3. 所考虑的个人能够充分完成其定期指定的职责和任务.

    4. 在学校内,没有其他已知的比这更重要的责任,而该个人很快就会承担这些责任,这将与拟议的额外补偿分配相冲突.

    5. 建议的额外补偿分配不能以直接货币补偿以外的方式处理(例如.g., by reduced teaching load; by joint appointment; by trade-off of duties with other faculty or staff personnel; etc.).

    6. 在与员工讨论任务之前,以及在开始任何额外补偿任务之前,必须与系主任进行充分沟通,并得到院长(或其他适当的行政官员)的批准.

    7. 在没有教务长批准的情况下,以超载形式出现的额外补偿总额不应超过财政年度基本工资的25%.

    8. 除非拨款特别允许,否则不得将支付给雇员的额外补偿计入拨款.


Proposed revisions of this policy should be reviewed by:

  1. Manager of Compensation

  2. Payroll Operations Manager

  3. Administrative Senate

  4. Faculty Senate

  5. Deans, Vice Presidents

  6. Chief Financial and Administrative Officers