





Robin Oliver | Vice President of University Communications and Marketing





  1. 概述

    Ohio university is dedicated to effective communication with its various audiences, 包括现在的和未来的学生, 父母, 和家庭, as well as alumni and friends through whatever practical means are relevant and available.

    大学传播与市场营销(UCM), 大学的一个部门, is the central authority for guiding Ohio university’s external communication and marketing efforts 除了批准的例外. UCM提供对创造性材料开发的监督, media and marketing communications projects in all forms across the institution.

    UCM依靠学术学院的专业知识, 部门, 规划单位, and regional campuses to provide insight and expertise regarding unique market dynamics and target audiences. UCM提供管理, 工具, 程序, 的指导方针, and templates to ensure all 单位 are held accountable and responsible for professionally accepted, newbb电子平台统一通信系统.

    This policy intends to ensure that communication and marketing materials disseminated by Ohio university can be easily identified as official or unofficial university websites, 出版物, 或消息.

  2. 大学官方声明

    As 状态d in the faculty handbook: "The president will respond for Ohio university on all general university matters and all policy matters unless the president specifically assigns the responsibility to a senior officer. 有关高级官员行政范围内的其他事项, that senior officer will respond unless the officer specifically assigns this responsibility to a person in their area. These responses may be prepared by university communications and marketing at the direction of the president or the senior officer who administrative area is involved." 

    为了与大学保持一致 承诺言论自由的声明校园言论自由政策.041, and to protect the robust and unrestrained exchange of ideas within our university community, Ohio university does not issue official university 状态ments on matters of social or political interest that do not have direct impact on university governance or operations. 类似的, 该大学不发表与悬而未决的地方诉讼有关的声明, 状态, 或官方或口头证词之外的联邦立法. 

  3. 来自新闻媒体的问题

    UCM has oversight of and responsibility for all official university interactions with the news media (whether broadcast, 在线, or print) including coordination of information relating to general university news or topics requiring an institutional response. 

    Questions from news media that require an institutional response should be forwarded to UCM. 反过来, UCM will work with the appropriate university representative to frame a response and determine who would be the most appropriate and effective spokesperson in a manner that avoids disruption of university activities and protects student privacy. When a university faculty or staff member engages with the media in matters related to an individual's area of academic or research expertise, 为了跟踪的目的,应该让UCM知道面试.

    Additional information about the faculty policy on news releases and press conferences can be found in the 教师手册, 节中,我.C.

  4. 新闻稿

    所有的新闻发布都必须通过UCM进行协调, 除了批准的例外, 确保准确, 始终如一、及时地传递机构的信息, 也避免了对媒体关注的过度竞争.

  5. 新闻发布会

    UCM将在安排新闻发布会方面发挥主导作用, including making the decision as to whether a news conference is warranted. This will help ensure that news media are contacted and that the time and place of the news conference will encourage the best possible news coverage.

  6. 危机沟通

    在学校有紧急情况的时候, 所有官方声明, 公告, or interviews relating to that emergency should be coordinated through UCM. 将指定一个人作为媒体询问的发言人. 对于迫在眉睫的威胁, including situations requiring an emergency notification or a timely warning, the Ohio university police department will activate the appropriate notifications to the campus community. 将获得批准, 提前, 从适当的大学官员那里, for those messages concerning situations on campus that do not require urgent or immediate notification. UCM is responsible for deploying additional notifications to the campus community as rapidly as possible following initial notifications.

  7. 社交媒体

    Social media accounts associated with the university should be registered with UCM to ensure inclusion in the university’s social media directories, 保护品牌, to avoid duplication of efforts and to support university-wide marketing efforts. 任何单位的新社交媒体账号, 程序, 必须在启动之前得到UCM的批准. 

    在UCM中可以找到更全面的指导方针 社交媒体指南.

  8. 推广和保护品牌

    所有部门的市场推广材料, 单位, 以及newbb电子平台的附属项目, 包括网络通讯必须坚持大学 品牌标准, 其中包括开发网站的说明和工具, 印刷和其他基于网络的沟通和营销材料.

    If there are questions about whether materials are in compliance with established brand 的指导方针, 应咨询UCM以审查宣传材料, 包括用于广告目的的广告.

    UCM will provide counsel by sharing marketing expertise and services to enhance the university's national and international reputation with photo images, 市场研究, 规划, 的指导方针, 赞助的指导, 协商与合作. 在UCM没有资源或专业知识的情况下, 它们将有助于确定所需的资源.

  9. 区域校园传播者

    Regional campus communications assigned by the vice provost for regional higher education and partnerships, will serve as the initial point of contact for the local news media in the market where their campus is located and will represent that campus to the surrounding community, 与UCM协商. Regional campus communicators shall be responsible for handling day-to-day public relations matters, including calls from the media as well as unsolicited media inquiries for research experts.  Regional campus communicators should report all media contacts that have potentially negative or adverse implications for the university to their supervisors and UCM.



  1. 副总统
  2. 首席信息官
  3. 院长和执行院长
  4. 主席及董事
  5. 教师参议院
  6. 行政参议院
  7. 白宫办公厅主任兼总统特别助理