40.029: Sick and Bereavement Leave for 教师 and Administrative Appointees






Colleen Bendl | Chief Human Resource Officer


黛博拉·J. Shaffer | Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration, CFO and Treasurer 


M. Duane Nellis | President

Signatures and dates on archival copy
  1. 概述


    Ohio university faculty and administrative presidential appointees (as defined in policy 40.106和教师手册)可以赚取并累积病假,必要时可以用于带薪病假. Sick leave will typically be earned at the rate of 1.25 days for each month of service. 病假积分将根据个人的聘任及受雇类型而定. There is no limit as to the amount of sick leave which may be accumulated. 病假的使用、通知和确认程序详细如下.

  2. 缺席通知

    Sick and bereavement leave is granted on the approval of the department chairper儿子 or the supervisor to whom the individual reports; such a request should be made on the first day of absence or in advance, 如果可能的话. The individual, upon return to work, must report the absence through the online absence management system. The university reserves the right to require the individual to:

    1. Furnish medical evidence of illness, including providing medical releases,
    2. Provide medical verification of ability to return to work,
    3. Provide other appropriate or necessary information, e.g. proof of medical care of family member, death of family member, etc.
  3. Approval of sick and bereavement leave

    Sick leave may only be used for the following rea儿子s, and unless the employee's absence is for one of these rea儿子s, the absence will not be approved as sick leave:

    1. Per儿子al illness, injury, or temporary disability.
    2. 接触可能传染给大学社区其他成员的传染病, or
    3. Illness, injury, or death in the individual's immediate family. Immediate family is defined as: spouse, 儿子, 女儿, 妈妈。, 父亲, 哥哥, 妹妹, 祖父母, 孙子, 岳父, 婆婆, 儿媳, 女婿, 姐夫, 嫂子, and a legal guardian or other per儿子 who stands in place of a parent (in loco parentis), 以及家庭伴侣和家庭伴侣的直系亲属(见政策40中“定义”和“福利”部分的讨论).013,详情). 直系亲属死亡的丧假不得超过五个工作日.
    4. 医疗, 牙科, 心理, 或为雇员或雇员的直系亲属进行视力检查或治疗.
  4. 使用

    连续的病假包括所有正常安排的工作日,除了大学在员工聘任期间的假期. 总统任命的人在7天内,不能请超过5天的病假.

  5. Accumulation of sick leave benefit

    1. The benefit will accumulate at the rate of 1.每个日历月25天,或所有全职总统任命每年15天. (Full-time presidential appointee, for purposes of this policy, is defined as anyone holding a regular full-time nine-, 十-, 11 -, or twelve-month appointment.) Accrual of sick leave will be unlimited. 度假时间, 带薪军假, faculty fellowship leaves, paid professional leave, or sick leave will count toward accumulation of benefits. There will be no accumulation of benefits while on an unpaid leave of absence.
    2. Part-time faculty (Tenure Track, 教学, and 访问ing Professor) and administrators (as defined in employee handbooks and in policy 41.010) are also eligible for sick leave accrual and usage. 每月应计金额应根据该员工在应计金额当月有效的主要任命FTE按比例计算.
    3. 从俄亥俄州的一个州或地方公共机构转到另一个州或地方公共机构的雇员(俄亥俄州公共机构是指俄亥俄州或地方政府控制下的政府实体), or who is reappointed or reinstated, 是否将未使用的病假余额计入雇员转到的公共机构所允许的病假累积的最大值,并且从离职到重新任用的时间不超过10年. 病假凭证的书面证明必须由该员工离职的部门提供给新部门.
    4. 使用超过个人累积余额的病假被定义为未经授权的缺席. 由于本政策第(B)(1)部分所述的任何原因而缺席的个人, and who have exhausted their accumulated sick leave, 他们的月薪毛额会否按未获批准的缺勤时间按比例减少. The adjustment will be made by University Human 资源.
  6. Utilization of the benefit

    累计病假福利所涵盖的期间是所有正常安排的连续大学工作日,不包括病假期间的大学假期. 使用 of sick leave shall be recorded using the online absence management system.

  7. Conversion and payment of unused sick leave upon retirement or death

    An employee retiring with ten or more years of creditable state service may elect to be compensated for one-fourth of the accrued but unused sick leave not to exceed thirty days (equal to one-fourth of one hundred twenty days); election must be made no later than sixty days after the date of retirement. Any sick leave received from the donated vacation hours policy (as defined in policy 40.035) may not be counted in the calculation of the unpaid sick leave balance. 支付将基于员工在正常或残疾退休时的工资率. 这种付款可能只支付一次给员工,并且只支付给那些在退休时处于newbb电子平台有效工资单上的员工. The two mutually exclusive options are:

    1. To be paid for one-fourth their sick leave balance up to a maximum of thirty days, or
    2. To carry forward the total sick leave balance for future anticipated state employment. This option precludes any future payoff from Ohio university.

    为确定病假换算,应使用以下计算方法. Individual faculty and administrators on full-time nine-, 十-, 11 -, 或12个月的任用应将其薪金除以各自的任用月数. 每月工资再除以22天,以确定计算退休福利的每日费率. 兼职教师和管理人员的病假工资将根据他们最近12个月的总收入计算, 三个财政季度, or two academic semesters, 适当的.
    在此政策下,病假转换的支付将消除退休时教师或行政任命人员的所有病假信用, and payment will be made only once to any individual. 病假转换不适用于除退休(或在职死亡)以外的任何终止或离职, as described in part (E)(2) of this policy). 退休后回到学校工作的员工,可以像以前一样积累和使用病假,但不得在以后离职时转换未使用的病假.

  8. Conversion and payment of unused sick leave upon death

    In the event of the death of an employee with ten or more years of creditable state service, one-fourth of the employee's accrued but unused sick leave, not to exceed thirty days (equal to one-fourth of one hundred twenty days), 会按照修订守则的规定支付予雇员的遗属或雇员的遗产. The amount of the payment will be calculated as described in part (E)(1) of this policy. Any sick leave received from the donated vacation hours policy (as defined in policy 40.035) may not be counted in the calculation of the unpaid sick leave balance.


Proposed revisions of this policy should be reviewed by:

  1. 工资经理

  2. 行政参议院

  3. 教师参议院

  4. Chief financial administrative officers

  5. Vice presidents and vice provosts

  6. 院长