40.105: General Principles Related to 任命s of University Executive Officers






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  1. 目的

    This policy provides for the 任命 and 评价 of the major administrative officers of the University, 包括总统, 教务长, 副总统, 地区高等教育副教务长, 和院长. It outlines regularized procedures for the search, 任命, 评价, 连任, 以及解雇这些官员.

  2. 搜索

    1. A search committee will be established by the person responsible for making the 任命 to assist in the identification, 评价, 并推荐高素质的候选人.

      1. The committee should be small enough to work effectively but large enough to accomplish its task (a reasonable range is six to fourteen).

      2. In the case of an academic 任命 the chairperson of the committee will be a faculty member.

      3. The committee should include representatives of the major constituencies of the position. The search committee for a dean will include faculty, students and a dean. Half of the faculty will be elected by the Group I faculty members of the academic unit involved. The 教务长 will appoint the other half from the faculty of the college or unit after consultation with the department or school chairpersons.

      4. The search committee for a President is appointed by the Board of Trustees and works under the guidance of the Board. The committee will include representatives from the major constituencies of the University.

    2. The charge to the committee and a general description of the position to be filled will be given by the person responsible for making the 任命. 以迪恩斯为例 the general description will be developed by the 教务长 in consultation with the members of the committee.

    3. The committee is responsible for insuring that affirmative action principles are observed. It will meet with the Affirmative Action Officer early in its deliberations.

    4. The deliberations of all search committees and their final report will be in confidence.

  3. 任命

    任命 is on an annual basis with the expectation that it will be continued from year to year or until terminated as provided below.

  4. 评价

    1. Each Administrative Officer will be evaluated on an annual basis for the purposes of salary review, identification of areas of administrative improvement, 个人发展.

    2. The President or 教务长 is responsible for coordinating the review. The major constituents of the position will be asked to contribute information for the 评价.

    3. 以迪恩斯为例 appropriate information will be sought from faculty by means of an annual questionnaire which contains both standard questions and questions specifically relevant to the academic unit of the Dean. 教员委员会, half of whom will be appointed by the 教师 Senators from the college or unit and half of whom will be appointed by the 教务长, will be created to assist the 教务长 in administering and interpreting - the questionnaire.

    4. If the annual review indicates significant concerns with the performance of the administrative officer, the President or 教务长 will work with the individual to identify specific steps for improvement. If significant concerns continue to be expressed in subsequent annual reviews and improvement is not made, the President or 教务长 will give serious consideration to the termination of the administrator officer.

    5. There should be a more comprehensive review during the Fall of the fifth year (or each five years thereafter) to provide a more general appraisal of executive performance and accomplishment. An advisory committee will be appointed by the President or 教务长 to assist with the comprehensive review. 以迪恩斯为例 the advisory committee shall consist of faculty from the college or unit, half of whom have been appointed by the 教师 Senators from the college or unit with the other half being appointed by the 教务长. Its report will be given to the person being reviewed as well as to the President or 教务长. 以迪恩斯为例, the questionnaire sent to the faculty shall include a summary question on the 连任 of the Dean. Based upon the results of the comprehensive review the 教务长, 与咨询委员会协商, shall recommend the time (not to exceed five years) for the next comprehensive review. If more than 50% of the Group I faculty recommend that a dean not be reappointed, 寻找新院长的工作将开始.

    6. The Board of Trustees is responsible for the annual review and the comprehensive review of the President. The Board of Trustees will select a committee including representatives from the University to assist with the comprehensive review.

    7. All reports of 评价s and reviews will be in confidence.

  5. 终止

    1. No administrative officer will serve in that capacity after the end of the fiscal year during which the age for retirement from administrative duties is reached.

    2. An 任命 may be terminated by the President, 教务长, or by the appointee.