cherry blossoms against a background of the sky.
AAPI-LEAD Employee Affinity Organization



亚洲, 亚裔美国人, 太平洋岛民:领导力, 教育, 宣传, and Development (AAPI-LEAD) employee affinity group fosters networking, 专业发展, 意识, 以及对亚洲的支持, 亚裔美国人, and Pacific Islanders at newbb电子平台. It also serves as a resource for the larger AAPI community in 雅典 and Regional Higher 教育 (RHE) locations. AAPI-LEAD seeks to elevate 意识 and advocate for the diverse needs of 俄亥俄州 AAPI members through educational, 文化, 还有社会活动. AAPI-LEAD aligns with 俄亥俄州’s inclusive excellence and strategic goals, as well as provides leadership regarding 俄亥俄州 AAPI faculty, 工作人员, 学生, 还有校友问题.


AAPI-LEAD envisions itself to be a leading organization at 俄亥俄州 to foster an inclusive, 只是, and equitable community at both the university and the larger Southeast region of Ohio in which AAPI members are 有价值的, 连接, 支持, and empowered to reach their fullest potential.

  • 连接 & 社区建设
  • 个人 & 专业发展
  • 教育 & 宣传
  • 社会正义


目标1. Recruit and retain a diverse AAPI community.  

  • Establish a commitment to make AAPI people visible and 有价值的 on campus.  
  • Reach and create an inclusive board of leaders from diverse backgrounds. 
  • Recruit members inclusively to advance AAPI representation on campus. 
  • 用多样性建立一个网络, 股本, and Inclusion (DEI) committees at different colleges and related university offices to foster a diverse, 只是, and inclusive campus climate for AAPI people.  
  • Expand partnerships with other DEI organizations on campus (e.g. AAPISU)和社区(e.g. AAAA) to increase the visibility of AAPI people within and outside of newbb电子平台.  

目标2. 探索 AAPI‘s contributions to teaching, 研究, and service related to campus diversity and 包容. 

  • 探索 the contributions of AAPI people to the university and to the community through 研究-based activities. 
  • Highlight AAPI’s contributions via various social media platforms in and outside of newbb电子平台 to make AAPI highly 有价值的.  

目标3. 探索 AAPI faculty’s and 工作人员’s sense of belonging and their needs.  

  • 探索 AAPI’s sense of belonging and their needs through 研究-based activities. 
  • Work with related administration offices to make sure AAPI’s voice will be 听到 and needs will be addressed. 

目标4. Build a sustained commitment to continuous 专业发展 in diversity and 包容. 

  • Enhance AAPI’s knowledge and engagement of diversity, 包容, and shared governance through workshops, 培训, 和事件.  
  • 使AAPI可见, 听到, 有价值的, and respected through continuous 研究 presentations and publications in and outside newbb电子平台.
  • Host Inclusive Excellence workshops for faculty and 学生s on campus.  



Learn more about faculty awards and other highlights.

Youngsun金, University Professor Award 


Associate Professor at College of Health Sciences and Professions 

“My teaching philosophy is based on understanding of others,” Dr. 金说. “My previous experiences help me to develop inclusive environment in my class and lab meetings.”

朝阳李, University Professor Award 


Associate Professor at College of Health Sciences and Professions

“I am fortunate that all the communities that I have been part of-- graduate school at Brown, 麻省理工学院博士后实验室, and my current workplace at newbb电子平台-- all value diversity highly,” Dr. 李说. “The respect for common humanity I have experienced naturally shaped my approach to teaching diverse groups of 学生s.”

Yuqiu你, 教师 Excellence Award from The Association of Technology, 管理, 与newbb电子工程 

Dr. Yuqiu你

Professor of Engineering Technology and 管理 

"My 文化 background makes me pay more attention to the diversity and 包容 in my teaching in and outside classrooms," Dr. 你说. “例如, more sensitive to 学生s' feeling of belonging, paying more attention to diverse groups of 学生s, and implementing more strategies to create equity and feeling of belonging in class rooms.

挑J. 常, Professor Emritus of Civil Engineering

挑J. 常

Professor Emritus of Civil Engineering 

“多样性在自然界中盛行. To be sustainable, diversity and 包容 are important for campus climate,” Dr. 常说. 

  • The Division of Diversity and Inclusion and University Human 资源 supports 俄亥俄州 Employee Affinity organizations in promoting a sense of belonging and providing a community for our employees, one of the Inclusive Excellence Strategic Plan 2021 action