Preparing for Orientation

这个页面每年更新,因为我们接近夏季方向计划, 因此,鼓励学生在5月1日之后再来查看期末准备信息.

All incoming students should complete the following steps before participating in Bobcat Student Orientation (BSO) programs at Ohio University. Each step is important, 因此,请定期查看本网站,以确保您已完成所有要素. 

Major Changes

如果你想改变你最初申请newbb电子平台的专业, 在参加培训之前这样做是很重要的, since our orientation program is designed to connect you with other students in your major or college. 要更改专业,请联系本科招生办 Please include your full name, PID, and intended major [PDF]

Major changes should be done at least one week before your scheduled orientation date to make sure we have prepared your orientation materials for your new major. 然而,你可以在入职培训时提出重大变更要求. If you change your major after you have signed up for an orientation program the orientation staff may reach out to discuss potential date changes if the new major wasn't previously scheduled to participate in that program date. 

Complete Pre-BSO Modules

所有学生必须在学习BSO课程之前完成在线模块. 学生必须使用他们的俄亥俄ID和密码登录模块. Your OHIO ID includes the first letter of your first and last name followed by six digits (example: aa000000). Family members and guests are also encouraged to view the modules by following directions on the Families and Guests web page.


Placement Tests

准备入学培训项目的一个重要部分是参加分班测试. 你需要参加的考试是由你选择的专业决定的. Placement tests are necessary to make sure you enroll in the appropriate first course in certain subject areas for the first semester in your major. 

分班测试必须在预定的入学计划之前完成, and the available tests are as follows:

  • Chemistry
  • Computer Science
  • Language
  • Music Theory

Placement Testing Information


Multi-factor authentication (MFA) protects you against lost or stolen passwords by adding a verification step to your OHIO login. 新生在参加BSO课程之前必须先注册MFA. This step is important to ensure students can access their MyOHIO Student Center during course registration at BSO. 未能注册MFA可能会导致BSO期间课程注册的延误.

Enroll in Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) 

Parking for In-Person Programs

Parking for 1.为期5天的项目将在127和128号地块(在会议中心附近)举行。, which can be found on the Campus Parking Map. 参与者可以使用West Green Drive和South Shafer Street的入口. 通过West Green Drive,将在停车场入口附近提供无障碍停车场. If you are using a GPS or other map service, 请使用以下地址找到这个停车位:里奇兰大道95号, Athens, OH 45701. When you arrive at the lot, our staff will give you a permit for you to place on your dashboard. 此停车许可证仅在您的课程期间有效.

Parking for one-day programs will be in Lot 132 (next to Peden Stadium), which can be found on the Campus Parking Map. Participants can use the entrance on South Green Drive and accessible parking will be available near the parking lot entrance. If you are using a GPS or other map service, 请使用以下地址找到这个停车位:里奇兰大道100号, Athens, OH 45701. When you arrive at the lot, our staff will give you a permit for you to place on your dashboard. 此停车许可证仅在您的课程期间有效.

Things to Bring to In-Person BSO


  • Photo ID (needed for check-in)
  • 笔记本电脑或平板电脑注册课程,如果可能的话
    • 在课程注册期间,我们的电脑数量有限. If you can bring your laptop, iPad, or Tablet with internet access, 请这样做,以加快注册过程.  这并不需要成为你作为一个新学生所拥有的技术, 所以你不需要担心在这个时候得到它. 如果可能的话,考虑向别人借一些技术随身携带. Given the format of the advising sessions, 智能手机很难用于注册目的. 如果可能的话,我们建议采用不同的技术.
    • Don't forget chargers for your devices. 
  • Items for the Overnight Stay (1.5-day programs in summer only)
    • 住宿的学生不提供床单. Students should bring towels, pillows, 双XL床的床单/毯子(如果需要的话,也可以准备一个睡袋). If a student is traveling from out-of-state and is unable to bring linens or if a student forgets to bring theirs, we will have linens available as needed. 
    • 带上任何额外的物品,让过夜更舒适, as well as toiletries, personal hygiene items, and medications. 
    • Please note the residence hall is a traditional style hall and does include community bathrooms. 
    • You may also want to bring snacks for during the program and board games/cards to use during the evening social programming. 
  • Attire
    • Bring an umbrella and wear comfy shoes. It is a long (but fun!) program and we want you to be prepared. 我们还建议带上一件夹克,以便在我们的一些室内会议地点使用, 因为他们在夏天的几个月里往往很冷. 在项目期间,我们还在校园里四处旅行, 所以要为冬天的寒冷天气做好准备.
  • 非正式的大学成绩单和考试成绩
    • If your official transcripts (indicating any college credit you may receive) and test scores have not been received or processed in time for your orientation, you’re welcome (but not required) to bring an unofficial copy for academic advising and course registration purposes.
  • Refillable water bottle
    • 校园里的大多数饮水机都被改造成了饮水机. 你将经常在校园里旅行,所以保持水分是很重要的!

Prepare to Get Your OHIO ID Card

New students will take an ID picture and get their OHIO ID card during their in-person orientation program. For students completing BSO virtually, you’ll be able to go to Bobcat Depot when you get to campus to have your picture taken and get your OHIO ID card.

Update Preferred Name and Pronouns

学生可以更新他们喜欢的名字和/或代词 MyOHIO Student Center. After logging in, 点击“个人信息”部分的“姓名”链接查看和更新, or to enter your preferred name and pronouns. 您输入的首选名称将显示在大多数大学系统和服务中, such as your ID card, Catmail, the online directory, Blackboard, grading rosters, etc. Visit the preferred names FAQ page for more information.

During in-person BSO programs, 学生和客人可以选择拿起一个按钮来识别他们的代词. 

Complete Steps in Your MyOHIO Student Center

Students are encouraged to review their MyOHIO Student Center to view the following:

  • Holds and To-Do List Items
    • Students are encouraged to review holds and follow instructions to clear any holds prior to their BSO program to avoid course registration delays. 此外,学生应该在参加一个项目之前完成任何待办事项清单上的项目. 
  • Transfer Credit Report
    • Before attending BSO, make sure to review your Transfer Credit Report information before attending BSO to ensure all of your anticipated external credit is included. If there is credit missing, double check to ensure that you've requested your official transcripts and test scores be sent to Ohio University.


Prior to attending BSO, request that official transcripts and test scores be sent to Ohio University. 其他机构的合格大学学分, exam credit or other transferable credit will only be applied once official documents have been received from the institution or testing agency. As a reminder, your high school will not send college-level transcripts or test score reports on your behalf; you must request these directly from the institution or testing agency.  

Official transcripts, exam credits or other credits should be sent electronically as a secure PDF to 或邮寄至:本科招生,丘布大厅120,1newbb电子平台博士., Athens, OH 45701.

关于转学分还有其他问题吗? 看看本科招生网站 transferring your credit.

Check Your Tech

In-Person Programs

在课程注册期间,我们的电脑数量有限. 如果你能带自己的笔记本电脑或平板电脑上网, 请这样做,以加快注册过程. (Given the format of the advising sessions, 智能手机很难用于注册目的.)微软团队可以在我们的面对面项目中使用,所以我们建议 downloading the Teams app 在您的电脑/平板电脑上安装Windows或Mac软件,然后再使用BSO程序. 

Virtual Programs

You will need a computer with an internet connection to participate in the virtual BSO program. 我们所有的虚拟会议都将通过微软团队进行. We strongly recommend downloading the Teams app 在BSO程序之前在您的计算机上安装Windows或Mac. On the day of your BSO program, 你需要用你的俄亥俄账号和密码登录微软团队, but please note that you may not be able to log in to Teams until the day before your BSO program. You can still download the software and encourage family members or guests joining you for BSO to download the software on their devices as well. 

Students with concerns about their ability to access technology for either program can contact BSO staff at or 740.593.1951 to discuss accommodations or alternate arrangements for participating in person or virtually.

Selective Service Registration

Male, Ohio residents, between the ages of 18 and 26 are required to register with Selective Service in order to be considered in-state residents to attend Ohio public colleges and universities. This is required via the Ohio Revised Code Section 3345.32. For more information, please visit the website.

Get to Know Your Orientation Leaders

迎新领导是在BSO工作的本科生工作人员, sharing first-hand knowledge about the student experience and providing support to program participants. 迎新领导是有见识的学生领导,他们重视多样性和包容性, 体现了俄亥俄精神,展示了帮助newbb电子平台同胞的真正热情. 他们对BSO的使命至关重要:确保所有学生 belong 为俄亥俄社区做贡献,成为一名成功的新学生 own their unique experiences. Before participating in your BSO program, 我们鼓励您通过查看他们的 profiles.

Submit a Song for the BSO Playlist

During our orientation programs, we play a lot of really fun music while waiting for the program to start or in-between sessions. Submit a song for the BSO Playlist 把你最喜欢的歌曲加入我们的歌单. 

Orientation Schedules

一般的迎新时间表可以在下面找到. 这些时间表将随着项目日期的临近而更新, so student are encouraged to check back regularly to see the most up-to-date version of the schedule. Remember, students are required to participate in all sessions that are part of the program in order to register for classes at orientation, so be sure to clear your schedule and plan to fully participate in all elements of the program.

January BSO ProgramsSummer (May, June and July) BSO ProgramsAugust BSO Programs
First-Year Student ScheduleFirst-Year Student ScheduleFirst-Year Student Schedule
First-Year Guest ScheduleFirst-Year Guest ScheduleFirst-Year Guest Schedule
Transfer Student ScheduleTransfer Student ScheduleTransfer Student Schedule
Transfer Guest ScheduleTransfer Guest ScheduleTransfer Guest Schedule
 Virtual Program Student ScheduleVirtual Program Student Schedule
 Virtual Program Guest ScheduleVirtual Program Guest Schedule