


The Sustainability Tracking and Evaluation Program (一步) is a sustainability certification program which aims to recognize departments or offices across campus for their sustainable efforts, whether they be existing practices or new changes. The certification program consists of a series of items or tasks on a checklist that count as points toward becoming certified. 行为变化, 新协议的实施, and education make up a large amount of the tasks included in the checklist. The goal of 一步 is to engage faculty, staff and students in the effort to improve the sustainability profile of newbb电子平台.


Any administrative or academic department or office located on any newbb电子平台 campus, 无论大小!

What about student organizations, labs and Greek life?

The 可持续发展办公室 is working to create different versions of 一步 for key sub-groups on campus. If you are a member of a student organization, 研究实验室, fraternity or sorority and would like to assist in piloting these sub-group certifications, 请发邮件给我们.

What are the benefits of becoming certified?


  1. Marketing of your office/department as "Sustainably Certified" on the 可持续发展办公室 website.
  2. A certificate/award to display in your office
  3. Automatic nomination for the competition for Exemplary Sustainable Department Award given on 地球日 by the 可持续发展办公室.
  4. 最重要的是, individuals involved in the program will gain knowledge about sustainability and get to play a part in making a positive impact at newbb电子平台.

What is sustainability and why is it important for my office to be sustainable?

Sustainability is the ability to use resources today in a way that doesn't negatively impact future generations' abilities to utilize resources (adapted from the Brundtland Definition). 在newbb电子平台, we take the "Triple Bottom Line" approach to sustainability in that we equally examine social, environmental and financial constructs in all decisions. When those three items intersect equally, sustainability is being employed. It is important for offices to consider sustainability so we can uphold institutional values of sustainability, be fiduciary stewards of University resources and build up our campus community.

Who is already certified through 一步?

- Office of Global Opportunities, 银认证, April 2016

- 可持续发展办公室, Gold Certified, July 2016

- Center for Intervention 研究 in Schools, Gold Certified, December 2016

- Ridges Building 22 Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Service - Environmental Studies, 银认证, 2017年7月

- Office of 信息 Technology - Acquisitions, 银认证, January 2020

- Geography Department, Gold Certified, September 2021

听起来不错! 我们如何开始呢?

If you are interested in getting your office or department certified through 一步, 您可以遵循以下简单的步骤...

  1. If you want a member of our staff to come to a staff meeting to discuss the program and answer questions before you get started, 只需填写一份 提交请求表格 and we'd be happy to attend a staff meeting.
  2. Designate a leader from your department or office to facilitate the communication efforts among your staff and to the 可持续发展办公室.
  3. 下载 一步检查表 and work with your team to respond to each item.
    1. Here's a tip from the Office of Global Opportunities: Ask each member of your team to spend 10 minutes filling out the form on their own, then have a student employee compile the results. 结果出来后, spend some time at a staff meeting discussing what you can do as a team to improve your sustainability profile and encourage one another.
  4. When you have completed the checklist, you can email the final version to sustainability@俄亥俄州.edu 最后复习. We will then reach out with your certificate and follow-up materials.

Who do I contact if I have questions?

Any member of the 可持续发展办公室 staff would be happy to answer your questions about 一步.

In Person: Silas 宾汉的房子, Mon-Fri, 8am-4:30pm
电子邮件: sustainability@俄亥俄州.edu