

Tips to help you plan your outdoor event

探索 the 户外空间 that newbb电子平台 Conference and 事件服务 has to offer. With one click, each image displays limitations that exist per each space. If you have any additional questions, or would like to request a space, visit our Reservations 办公室 in Baker University Center 419 or by calling 740.593.4021. newbb电子平台 constituents, please use virtual-ems to create your reservation.

Alumni Gateway Table Space

校友门(也被称为校园门)是法院街和联合街拐角处的砖和石头拱门. Table space is on the concrete walkway, in front of the 灌木 on either side of the archway, but not blocking the center archway. 校友通道只供小型活动使用,并不得干扰行人交通. 每个组织最多可连续保留三天,每个季度最多保留六(6)天. A maximum of two activities are permitted at any one time. At no time shall passersby be verbally harassed, involuntarily stopped, or deterred. No sound system is permitted. 没有迹象显示, 设备, or other items may be taped or otherwise attached to gate, 灌木, 树, 光波兰人, or permanent signs.

Alumni gateway table space



The Aquatic Center Picnic Grove comprises the grassy area bounded by Oxbow Drive, the Aquatic Center, the Aquatic Center service driveway, and 停车 Lot 134. 游泳中心野餐树林的使用仅限于不会干扰相邻教室的活动, 娱乐, and 办公室 activity. Nothing may be attached to 树, 灌木, benches, 光波兰人, or permanent signs. A sound system may be used with permission, subject to the standard restrictions, stated in 政策# 01.044.



Baker 4th Floor Table Space

贝克大学中心四楼的五个餐桌空间位于公园广场和法院街的交汇处. The spaces are to the left of the main entrance of Baker university center on the front room side, but not blocking any entrance to the building. 贝克大学中心四楼的每个桌子空间的使用被限制为可以在一个最大30英寸乘72英寸的桌子上进行的活动(由中心提供),并且不会干扰行人交通的流动. No more than three individuals may staff a table at any one time. 每个机构最多可连续保留三天,每学期最多保留九天. At no time shall passersby be verbally harassed, involuntarily stopped, or deterred. No sound system is permitted. 没有迹象显示, 设备, or other items may be taped or otherwise attached to gate, 灌木, 树, 光波兰人, or permanent signs.

baker fourth floor table space



卡特勒草坪区域被定义为半圆形砖区(在卡特勒大厅前面的砖砌人行道之外)和两个相邻的小绿地,包括最靠近卡特勒大厅的前两个黑色灯柱. Nothing may be attached to 树, 灌木, benches, 光波兰人, or permanent signs. A sound system may be used with permission, subject to the standard restrictions, stated in 政策# 01.044. 卡特勒草坪的户外空间只适用于以下几天:周五下午5点至10点, Saturdays 8am-10pm, and Sundays 8am-8pm. This space is not available on 虚拟EMS. You may only request this space by e-mailing reservations@俄亥俄州.edu.




Emeriti公园 is the space bounded by Oxbow Drive, South Green Drive, the Lower Grounds Maintenance Building lot, and the pond at the center of Emeriti公园. Emeriti公园的使用仅限于不会干扰相邻教室和办公室活动的活动. No vehicles or heavy 设备 are permitted on this site. Activities shall not impede pedestrian traffic. Nothing may be attached to 树, 灌木, benches, 光波兰人, or permanent signs. A sound system may be used with permission, subject to the standard restrictions, stated in 政策# 01.044.



Howard Hall Site

霍华德公园(也被称为霍华德大厅场地)项目空间包括东联合街和学院街东北角的开放空间的草地部分. 霍华德公园的使用仅限于不会干扰邻近宿舍楼的活动, 教室, and 办公室 activity. No vehicles or heavy 设备 are permitted on this site. Activities shall not impede pedestrian traffic. Nothing may be attached to 灌木, 树, brick walls, 光波兰人, or permanent signs. A sound system may be used with permission, subject to the standard restrictions, stated in 政策# 01.044.

howard hall site 1
howard hall site 2


Howard Hall Table Space

霍华德公园(也被称为霍华德大厅场地)的桌子空间是位于东联合街和学院街东北角地块西南角的砖覆盖空间, in front of the low brick wall and adjacent to the public sidewalk. 使用霍华德公园的餐桌空间仅限于不会干扰邻近宿舍楼的活动, 教室 and 办公室 activity. 每个组织最多可连续保留三天,每个季度最多保留六(6)天. 活动仅限于学院街和联合街拐角处的小砖区,不得妨碍行人交通. Nothing may be attached to 灌木, 树, brick walls, 光波兰人, or permanent signs. No sound system is permitted.

howard hall table space



莫顿领域 (also known as South Green Field) comprises the grassy area bounded by N. 麦金利大街,E. Mulberry Street, Stewart Street, and Race Street. It sits between Morton Hall and Crawford Hall, in front of the “Front Four” residence halls. 莫顿场地的使用仅限于不会干扰邻近宿舍楼的活动, 教室, and 办公室 activity. Nothing may be attached to 树, 灌木, benches, 光波兰人, or permanent signs. A sound system may be used with permission, subject to the standard restrictions, stated in 政策# 01.044.




The Ridges Auditorium Lawn comprises the grassy area bounded by N. 东岭道. Circle Drive, and 停车 Lots 200 and 201. 山脊礼堂草坪的使用仅限于不会干扰相邻山脊礼堂的活动, 教室, and 办公室 activity. Nothing may be attached to 树, 灌木, benches, 光波兰人, or permanent signs. A sound system may be used with permission, subject to the standard restrictions, stated in 政策# 01.044.



Scripps Amphitheater

斯克里普斯圆形剧场由斯克里普斯大厅北侧的砖砌门廊和相邻的草地圆形剧场座位区组成. 威廉圆形剧场的使用仅限于不会干扰邻近图书馆的活动, 教室, and 办公室 activity. Nothing may be attached to 树, 灌木, benches, 光波兰人, or permanent signs. A sound system may be used with permission, subject to the standard restrictions, stated in 政策# 01.044.

scripps amphitheater


South Green Amphitheater

South Green Amphitheater comprises the concrete “stage” south of Nelson Dining Hall, in the corner of the area bounded by New South Green residence halls, and the adjacent grassy area. 南绿色露天剧场的使用仅限于不会干扰邻近宿舍楼活动的活动. Priority scheduling of South Green Amphitheater shall be provided to South Green Residence Life. Nothing may be attached to 树, 灌木, benches, 光波兰人, or permanent signs. A sound system may be used with permission, subject to the standard restrictions, stated in 政策# 01.044.

south green amphitheater


South Green Basketball Court

南绿篮球场由北麦金利大道围成的草地上的球场组成., East Mulberry Street, Stewart Street, and Race Street. 南绿地篮球场的使用仅限于不会干扰邻近宿舍楼活动的活动. 南绿篮球场优先安排提供给(按顺序):校园娱乐南绿居住生活. No vehicles or heavy 设备 are permitted on this site. Activities shall not impede pedestrian traffic. Nothing may be attached to 灌木, 树, brick walls, or 光波兰人. A sound system may be used with permission, subject to the standard restrictions, stated in 政策# 01.044.

south green basketball court


Stocker Picnic Grove

Stocker Grove由Stocker中心西北侧街对面的草地组成,以Oxbow Trail为界, 停车场110, and the Oxbow Creek. 斯托克树林的使用仅限于不会干扰邻近宿舍楼的活动, 办公室, or 教室 activity. Stocker Grove的优先级调度将提供给Russ工程技术学院. No vehicles or heavy 设备 are permitted on this site. Activities shall not impede pedestrian traffic. Nothing may be attached to 树, 灌木, benches, 光波兰人, or permanent signs. A sound system may be used with permission, subject to the standard restrictions, stated in 政策# 01.044.

stocker picnic grove



Tailgreat公园 comprises the grassy area bounded by the Hock-hocking Adena Bike Path, 里奇兰大道, S. 沙佛圣., and the Former 访问ors Center (Bingham House) and 停车 Lot. 泰格公园的使用仅限于不会干扰相邻办公活动的活动. 向校际体育协会提供泰格公园优先安排(足球赛前活动). Nothing may be attached to 树, 灌木, benches, 光波兰人, or permanent signs. A sound system may be used with permission, subject to the standard restrictions, stated in 政策# 01.044.




沃尔特大厅草坪(也被称为二百周年纪念公园)由毗邻沃尔特大厅西侧的人行道包围的草地组成. 沃尔特霍尔草坪的使用仅限于不会干扰相邻教室和办公室活动的活动. Nothing may be attached to 树, 灌木, benches, 光波兰人, or permanent signs. A sound system may be used with permission, subject to the standard restrictions, stated in 政策# 01.044.

This space is not available on 虚拟EMS. You may only request this space by e-mailing reservations@俄亥俄州.edu.

walter hall lawn



这个空间被定义为混凝土覆盖的门廊和坦普尔顿-布莱克本校友纪念礼堂以西的走道区域,以及相邻的草地区域,该区域落在由两个最近的砖走道形成的三角形内. Nothing may be attached to 树, 灌木, benches, 光波兰人, or permanent signs. 在活动期间,与此场地的活动有关的横幅可以临时贴在西门廊的墙上. Sound system restrictions differ based on affiliation.

This space is not available on 虚拟EMS. You may only request this space by e-mailing reservations@俄亥俄州.edu.




Wolfe花园是一个公园般的区域,被低矮的石墙包围,位于卡特勒大厅和奥尔登图书馆之间. Due to its proximity to Cutler Hall, 奥尔登图书馆, and academic buildings, 这个空间的可用性仅限于不会产生超过会话水平的噪音的活动. Nothing may be attached to 树, 灌木, benches, 光波兰人, or permanent signs. No sound system is permitted.
