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Current J-1 Students: Maintaining Status

美国的联邦移民法规是非常严格的, 持J-1签证的国际学生在美国保持合法身份至关重要. Students must be aware of, and comply fully with, 以下由国土安全部(DHS)和国务院(DOS)制定的合规要求:

Current Address and Phone Number

作为J-1身份的国际学生,您需要在newbb电子平台随时提供当前的美国本地地址(SEVIS美国地址)以及永久的外国地址(SEVIS外国地址). 如果你在搬家后10天内没有更新这些地址,你的移民身份就会被违反. Similarly you are required to designate a "preferred" phone number, which will also be reported to SEVIS. Students should update their address in their MyOhio Student Center. Updating the university will automatically update your record in SEVIS.

有关如何更新您的地址或电话号码的说明 laptop, please view the following video or links:

For instructions on how update your address or phone number on your Smartphone, please view the following video: 


国际学生和学者服务办公室(ISSS)将通过电子方式将您的新地址发送到SEVIS(学生和交流访问者信息系统)。, 美国联邦网络数据库,由移民官员用来记录和跟踪国际学生数据.

Fulltime Enrollment

J-1学生必须在newbb电子平台的正常入学期间(秋季和春季学期)注册完整的课程. However, there is one exception; any J-1 student who begins their program of study or ends their program of study in the summer semester must be enrolled full-time for the summer.


A full course of study for a graduate student is 9 credits

A full course of study for non-degree students may vary. Contact ISFS with any questions.

在选择课程时,重要的是要考虑课程是在线授课还是面对面授课. 没有在线学分可以计入全日制入学要求. This does not mean you are barred from taking online courses. 这只是意味着在你将任何在线课程添加到你的时间表之前,你必须参加足够的面对面课程来满足全日制要求.

Reduced Enrollment


Reduced enrollment may be authorized under the following conditions:

  • Medical Illness
  • Academic Difficulties
  • Final term

Prior permission from ISSS is required. 请提交减少课程负荷申请表以申请许可.  This can be found in iCats under "J-1 Student Services".

Program Extensions

Your DS-2019 form was issued for a standard timeframe. You will find the program start and end dates in section 3 of the form. 你可能会发现你无法在截止日期前完成你的课程. 在这种情况下,你需要申请延长你的J-1项目.


  • Your current DS-2019 has not already expired
  • You have continuously maintained lawful J-1 status
  • 完成课程要求的延迟是由于令人信服的学术或医疗原因造成的

您可以通过提交“J-1项目延期”表格申请延期 iCats. New financial documentation will be required. 由家人或朋友赞助的学生将需要提交每个赞助商的财务赞助商表格.

Transferring Your SEVIS Record

A transfer is a change in U.S. educational institution, 在你的J-1项目中,这种变化可能会在不同的时间发生,比如在你攻读学位的过程中, 在完成学位课程或参加学术培训之后. When you request a transfer of your SEVIS record, 国际学生服务中心将与新学校的国际学生办公室合作,将您的记录转交给他们.

持有J-1签证的学生想转到新学校有一些限制, including the following:

  • 如果中途转学,你必须在新学校学习相同的专业
  • 你必须学习与你目前在newbb电子平台的学位课程相同或更高的水平
  • 非学位类别的学生只能转到新院校同一专业的非学位课程.

您可以在当前DS-2019的截止日期之前的任何时间申请转学. In order to request a transfer, 您必须登录iCats并提交“SEVIS转出请求”表格.  A copy of the admission letter from the new school will be required. Once ISSS has received all the necessary documents, please allow 2 weeks for processing of your request. 您可以将所需的文件通过电子邮件发送到国际学生服务中心办公室的前台, or by faxing them to 740-593-4328.

Once your request has been processed, ISSS将向您的俄亥俄电子邮件帐户发送电子邮件,确认您的SEVIS记录已被转移或确认计划转移(如果您要求的发布日期在未来)。. 如果你决定不想转到申请表上注明的学校, ISSS can cancel the transfer if you notify us about your decision before the SEVIS release date you selected. If you change your mind after the SEVIS release date, 您需要与新的教育机构合作更正您的SEVIS记录.

Any employment 必须在您的SEVIS记录结束的前一天结束 released.

Starting a New OHIO Program

在从一个学位级别转换到另一个学位级别(从学士到硕士)之前,您必须获得新的DS-2019表, from Master's to Doctoral, etc.). Non-degree or exchange students are not eligible for a change of level. 如果你是目前的非学位生或交换生,已经被俄亥俄州的学术课程录取在未来的学期, 你必须从招生办公室收到新的DS-2019,然后重新进入美国.S. on that new DS-2019. 请尽早与ISSS顾问预约,讨论您的计划.

To request the new DS-2019 you must provide proof of admission to the new program at the new education level as well as current financial documents to establish a funding source for your new academic program. As a J-1 student, 财务文件必须显示支持整个新项目的持续时间. 将这些文件提交给你的国际学生顾问 在你开始新的学术课程之前 和 在你当前的DS-2019表格结束日期之前.