Resources and Policies

See also:

Ohio University Sorority and Fraternity Life Relationship Statement

大学与姐妹会和兄弟会的关系不仅仅是认可或注册,而是基于共同利益和相互支持的密切关系. 认识到兄弟会或姐妹会的成员资格可以是一个积极的和教育的经验, 大学支持这样一种观念,即社会兄弟会或姐妹会的成员资格为今天的学生提供了支持和发展的经历.

Within the guidelines stated below, 大学期望并鼓励社会姐妹会和兄弟会尽可能独立运作,因为它认识到自我管理促进个人和团体责任和成熟的发展. 大学重视学生群体和生活安排的多样性,并承认小群体环境中固有的社会机会可以为学生的教育做出重大贡献.

The foundation for the relationship between the University and the Sorority & Fraternity community consists of the following:

  • A student at Ohio University, by virtue of enrollment, is here primarily for an education. 学生和大学之间的这种基本学术关系不能因课外活动而改变,例如加入社会姐妹会或兄弟会. Rather, 加入兄弟会或姐妹会可以加强学生和学校之间的关系. 大学通过实施与最低平均GPA标准相关的兄弟会和姐妹会的学术指南,加强了国际/国家兄弟会和姐妹会的教育使命, as well as assisting with academic plans of improvement for those who fail to meet those standards.
  • 兄弟会或姐妹会分会是一个从实习生/国家办事处收到章程或其他认可文件的组织,或者是一个临时分会(1).e. colony) of the larger inter/national organization. This partnership between the University and inter/national organization is integral to the success, risk reduction, and support of chapters, and “local” organizations will not be permitted.
  • To reinforce the ideals of shared self-governance and peer accountability, each chapter should belong to a governing council, 一个自治的监督机构,由选举/任命的本科兄弟会/姐妹会成员组成,他们是当前的本科生.
  • 每一个兄弟会或姐妹会的分会都应该有章程和细则来界定组织的目标和运作. 该分会得到newbb电子平台的认可,前提是这些目标与大学的目标一致,该组织将不断努力实现其既定目标,并有自己的内部问责方法.
  • 每个兄弟会或姐妹会分会每年都要注册为学生组织,并遵循学生组织认可的最低准则和期望,包括5个最低标准和最低要求, officers of President, Vice President, and Treasurer.
  • 每个分会都应该有顾问(除了指定的大学工作人员外)负责协助组织的成长和发展.
  • 每个组织都应遵守和维护与学生和组织的社会和个人行为有关的大学规定,如学生行为准则所述. In addition, social fraternities and sororities are also expected to follow the OSFL Pawprint.
  • 成员选择是由个别组织负责执行的,并应遵循国际/国家组织制定的详细准则. newbb电子平台将以广告的形式为理事会赞助的招聘计划或个人分会成员招募工作提供行政支持和指导, logistic support, academic standard verification, etc. The university will uphold the ability for first semester, first-year students to join an organization, 但是,学生只有在收到邀请后才有资格加入社会联谊会或兄弟会.e. 已扩展到个人,并向姐妹会和兄弟会生活办公室报告.
  • A common bond that exists between the University and the Sorority & Fraternity community is the nurturing of individual growth. The Sorority & 博爱团体能够并被期望通过以下方式促进“整体”人的发展:
    1. Providing a small group setting that emphasizes the intellectual, cultural, and social aspects of community living and promote effective leadership, responsible decision-making, and consideration of others’ rights;
    2. 通过有效的组织鼓励学生积极参与学校的活动, communication, and coordination;
    3. 通过提供互动和建立关系的机会,协助发展人际交往能力;
    4. 在newbb电子平台提倡激发对高等教育终身兴趣的态度.
    5. Scholastic achievement is dependent ultimately on the performance and motivation of the individual, 但是,追求卓越的动力是可以被激发的,并通过分会的行动提供必要的支持和帮助. newbb电子平台的每个兄弟会和姐妹会分会都是为了保持一个有利于学习和个人成长的环境.

大学提供的支持的其他证据包括国家和 university scorecard; special leadership training and development for chapter and council officers; mailboxes and meeting space in Baker University Center; second-year housing exemptions for recognized facility living; professional staff advisement and advocacy; and the provision of regular fire safety inspections of the recognized chapter facilities by Environmental Health and Safety.