
多元文化中心为即将入学的一年级学生提供基于成绩和需求的奖学金机会.  In addition to scholarship funding, 这些项目为学生提供资源,支持他们在newbb电子平台取得成功. 在11月15日提前行动截止日期之前申请大学的符合条件的学生将收到申请这些选择性奖学金项目的单独邀请.

The DC/CAP Scholarship Program

Details will be added soon.

The John Newton Templeton Scholarship Program

Program Overview

In 1828, 约翰·牛顿·坦普尔顿成为俄亥俄州第一位非裔美国毕业生,也是全国第四位非裔美国毕业生. Arrested in 1835 for teaching other African Americans to read and write, he persevered to become a teacher and a principal. In the spirit of his contributions, 邓普顿奖学金颁发给与邓普顿一样致力于建立包容性关系的一年级新生, community advocacy, and perseverance.

Program Requirements

Program Experience

Through a cohort-based experience, the Templeton Scholars Program engages aspiring student leaders who:

  • 展示建立重视社区多样性广度的关系的潜力(建立包容性关系)
  • 展示解决影响社区成功的问题的潜力(社区倡导)
  • Recognize that life’s obstacles, difficulties, 挫折不应阻止我们对成功的承诺(坚持不懈)。.

We hope that, like John Newton Templeton, 我们的学者后来成为所在社区社会变革的领导者. 我们通过提供旨在促进学术发展的资源和机会,为学生的未来做好准备, social, career, and personal success. These resources and opportunities include:

  • Leadership Development Course -邓普顿学者通常选择在第一学期参加俄亥俄州的跨文化领导力发展课程. 这门1学分的课程旨在帮助学生提高领导技能, 重点是了解领导者如何有效地利用文化和社会差异来积极影响团队动态和结果.
  • Peer Mentoring -邓普顿奖学金获得者与一位上层社会的导师有联系,后者是与校园社区沟通的桥梁. 导师通过将新生与学生组织联系起来,帮助他们顺利过渡到大学, social opportunities, support staff, and academic resources.
  • Faculty Mentoring -邓普顿奖学金获得者还将获得大学教师的指导. 教师导师帮助学生探索他们的学术兴趣,并联系与他们的激情相交的学术机会.
  • Academic Coaching – Through OHIO’s Multicultural Center, 邓普顿大学为学生提供学术指导和技能培养的机会. 我们鼓励学者与我们的学术支持人员建立持续的指导关系. 我们的工作人员与整个大学的咨询办公室密切合作,以支持我们的学者的成功.
  • Career & Professional Development -邓普顿学者计划举办各种活动和机会,为学生成功求职和职业发展做好准备. 学校鼓励学生探索如何将自己的激情与职业目标结合起来. Examples of events include networking with potential employers, mock job interviews, career panels, LinkedIn workshops, and more.
  • Community Impact Project -邓普顿学者合作开展体验式学习项目,解决社区需求或问题. 学者根据自己的兴趣和兴趣领域,支持:
    • Explore a community problem
    • Develop project ideas for addressing the problem
    • Propose their projects to the potentially impacted community
    • Work with the community to implement the project
    • Assess and report on the project’s impact
  • 自动纳入俄亥俄荣誉计划,并获得大学荣誉住房选择.
  • 以优异成绩为基础的奖学金,涵盖州内学费、强制性费用、食宿费、 renewable for four academic years.

The Appalachian Scholars and Urban Scholars Programs

Program Overview

阿巴拉契亚学者和城市学者项目是基于成绩和需求的奖学金项目,面向居住在俄亥俄州阿巴拉契亚县或从俄亥俄州城市学区毕业的一年级学生. 该项目为有经济需要和学术成就的学生提供奖学金支持. To be eligible, students must have a minimum 3.3 cumulative GPA (highest weighted or unweighted, recalculated to a 4.0 scale), 在11月15日的提前行动截止日期之前申请大学,并在至少4月15日的第一优先日期之前完成联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA).

Program Requirements

  • Earn 30 credit hours annually, 15 each per fall and spring semester.
  • Maintain 2.5 cumulative GPA by end of each academic year
  • View all renewal requirements

Program Experience

Through the OHIO LINKS Program, 阿巴拉契亚学者和城市学者项目共同运作,提供基于群体的体验,支持奖学金获得者向大学和学术的过渡, personal and social success. These opportunities include:

First-Year Special Issues Course

阿巴拉契亚学者和城市学者在第一年一起注册一个1学分的课程. 本课程以学生在课堂内外的参与为中心,提供以讨论为基础的研讨会和定制的学术丰富路径, leadership and planning and professional development.

Peer Mentoring

阿巴拉契亚学者和城市学者与高年级导师有联系,他们是与校园社区联系的桥梁. Mentors help new scholars navigate their transition to college, connecting them to student organizations, social opportunities, support staff and academic resources.

Academic Success Coaching

Through our Multicultural Center, 阿巴拉契亚学者和城市学者提供学术指导和技能培养的机会. 我们鼓励学者与我们的学术支持人员建立持续的指导关系. 我们的学术支持人员与整个大学的咨询办公室密切合作,以支持我们的学者取得成功.

Career & Professional Development

LINKS项目举办了各种各样的活动和机会,帮助学生为成功找工作和职业发展做好准备. Examples of events include networking with potential employers, mock job interviews, career panels, LinkedIn workshops and more.

Community Engagement

阿巴拉契亚学者和城市学者被鼓励参与社区服务和参与机会. 这些机会让学生探索和解决影响阿巴拉契亚和城市社区的问题.