
心理学 Career Path: Social Services


  • 社会工作者(城市生活废物)
  • 药物滥用顾问(M.A.)
  • Social and Human Services Assistants
  • 感化主任(B).A.)
  • Correctional Treatment Specialists (B.A.)
  • 临床心理学家(理科).A., Ph.D.小组,.D.)
  • 咨询心理学家(M).A., Ph.D.小组,.D.)


  • 社会工作(都市生活)
  • 临床心理学博士.D.小组,.D.)
  • 咨询(Ph值.D., M.A.)


To become more involved in social services or learn about the profession, 以下是学生可以做的:

  • 访问 Division 37 (Society for Child and Family Policy and Practice), Division 9 (Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues), Division 12 (Society of Clinical 心理学), and Division 53 (Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent 心理学) of the 美国心理学会. 另外,请浏览 National Association of Social Workers.
  • Schedule a meeting with a school psychologist to discuss the profession.


The goal of social services is to provide support to individuals and families by promoting the highest level possible of personal responsibility and independence, regardless of disability or disorder. Social services provide opportunities for individuals to achieve their fullest potential.

Some of the services offered by social and human service agencies include adoption services, 对老年人的支持, 孩子的抚养费, 受害者服务, 精神健康服务, 职业康复, 金融援助, and services to the blind and visually impaired, 仅举几个例子.

Social and human service workers are employed in a variety of settings, 从医院, 康复项目, 门诊诊所, 学校, 监狱, 以及政府机构.

There are several career paths one may choose within social and human services with varying levels of education and training requirements. Some of the social service professions require licensure and/ or certification as well as more advanced degrees or graduate training, such as clinical and 咨询 psychology, 社会工作, 以及药物滥用咨询.

The purpose of the social services track is to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of psychology while preparing students to meet the requirements for entry-level positions as a social service worker. The social services track is also an excellent program for those who plan to seek advanced graduate degrees in the clinical, 咨询, 以及社会工作领域.


Students who are interested in pursuing a career in social or human services should be sure to work with an adviser to develop an academic plan that is tailored to their interests. The plan should lead to the completion of coursework that is useful for an entry-level position in the social services field or for admission to a graduate program in the social services field.

University and College Requirements

In addition to the suggestions for the social services track, be sure to complete all other university and college requirements, including the foreign language requirement.

The center staff recommend beginning the foreign language requirement in the first year. NOTE: Students may begin with a class higher than 1110 depending on foreign language placement test results. It is possible to place out of the foreign language requirement. 因此, it is 推荐 that students take the placement test for any foreign language completed in high school.


以下课程是 高度 推荐 for students planning on pursuing a graduate degree in the social services:

  • PSY 2720 心理学 of Personality (3)
  • PSY 3250健康心理学 & 疾病(3)
  • PSY 3420 & 老化(3)
  • PSY 3710介绍临床 & 咨询(3)

实地考察 and 研究 in 心理学

It is 高度 推荐 that students interested in social services participate in research in a psychology lab and engage in fieldwork in settings related to the student’s particular area of interest.

Required 课程 for Social Services 小

A Social Services 小 is 推荐 for those interested in pursuing an MSW, M.A. in Counseling Education, or an entry-level job in a social service-related field. NOTE: The minor does not make a student eligible for licensure in states regulating the practice of 社会工作.

Complete a minimum of 18 hours with a C or better including the following:

  • SW 1000 Soc工作入门 & 社会福利(3)
  • SW 2601 Soc Welfare Overview and Trends (3)
  • SW 3701 Dynamics of Human Behavior (3)
  • SW 3801 Intro to Social Work Practice Methods (3)

Complete at least 2 of the following courses at 3000-level or above

  • SW 3203国际社会工作 & 社会福利(3)
  • SW 3213虐待儿童 & 忽视(3)
  • SW 3233老年人咨询(3)
  • SW 3243社会福利法(3)
  • SW 3253理解Mgmt & 社会福利机构的监管(3)
  • SW 3263化学依赖(3)
  • SW 3273心理健康 & 社会工作(3)
  • SW 3283 Social Work in Health Care (3)
  • SW 3293 Aging in American Society (3)
  • SW 3602社会福利政策(3)
  • SW 3870 研究 Methods in Social Work (3)
  • sw4223儿童福利I (3)
  • sw4224儿童福利II (3)
  • SW 4930独立研究 & Special Projects in Social Work (1-3, 9 max)
  • HLTH 4070 Interprofessional Gerontology (3)

Note: Be sure to check prerequisites for all coursework.

Students who intend to go to graduate school in social services are encouraged to complete courses in Biological Sciences.