

Students can earn course credit (3910) for participating in activities designed to serve the residents of southeastern Ohio. 适合喜欢帮助别人的学生, nearby community services and health facilities offer supervised experience with a variety of individuals in need of assistance, 包括儿童, 老年人, 精神病患者. 这些机会为学生提供了工作经验, 同时帮助他们发展新的见解和能力.

目的: 作为志愿者或雇员在与心理学直接相关的工作中进行独立的实地工作.


信贷每学时为每周3小时的服务,或总共42小时. 3910的工作最多有4个学分.




Students who enroll in 心理学 3910 may earn up to four semester-hours credit for an activity or project that is performed off-campus. 所有许可安排, 课程学分, 和其他要求必须在项目开始前得到批准.

While the specific nature of the activity or project is left to the discretion of the faculty member and student, it is expected that the quality of the work to be performed by the student will be worthy to receive academic course credit in the 心理学 undergraduate major program, 这个项目的工作将是一次真正的心理学学习经历, 不仅仅是一个不熟练的人, 在准心理环境中完成的日常文书或手工工作.

Examples of projects that might be approved are the following: Counselor in a camp for mentally disabled children; research assistant in an insurance company personnel division; psychiatric aide in a mental hospital.

Projects that would be inappropriate might be these: Receptionist or file clerk for a mental hospital; counselor in YMCA camp; clean-up and errand person for veterinarian; dormitory floor counselor.

每获得3910学分,必须完成42小时的工作. 允许的最大学分是4小时. 项目完成后将给予CR等级. 这些课时计入心理学专业, 毕业的时候, 但不符合区域A-D的要求. 这些学分计入2000学时以上的艺术课程 & 科学.


表格可从 咨询中心 在波特厅206 (psychadvising@俄亥俄州.edu). 它们也可以从 Dr. 苏珊Tice-Alicke,本科研究助理主席,波特厅261, tices@俄亥俄州.edu)或位于波特厅200号的心理学总办公室.


表格A是该项目的招股说明书, 其中,基本协议规定了项目的性质和期限, 特殊要求(报告), data, 考试, 等.)、领域主管、可获得的学分、赞助该项目的教员等. 形成一个 must be signed by the Assistant Chair of 本科 Affairs before beginning the project.


表格B:现场主管(监督工作的人), 或者学生向谁汇报工作), 验证项目的性质和持续时间, 并判断学生的工作质量. 他或她应该指出实际执行了哪些职责以及完成得如何. 在他或她的判断中, 学生从工作中学到了很多与心理相关的东西吗? 在他或她看来,这样的工作或活动值得获得大学学分吗?


Upon completion of the project the student must submit 形成一个 plus a 2-3 page typewritten report which details the nature of the agency and what the student’s role was while there. A statement describing what the student gained from the project and how it fits in the student’s curriculum or vocational plans should also be a part of the final report. 学生也应提醒导师在离开机构前提交表格B. 这份报告, 形成一个 and 形式B must all be received by the Assistant Chair for 本科 Affairs before the end of finals week during the term for which credit is to be received.


3910, 心理学的实地工作是一种独立的学习经历, 学生在哪里志愿或受雇从事与心理学直接相关的工作. 这门课程不是学位的必修课程,只按学分/非学分进行评分. 每修一小时的学分,学生必须完成42小时的学习.  Arrangements for the course 必须在实地考察开始前得到本科研究助理主席的批准. 联系 the Assistant Chair for 本科 Studies or 其他 faculty members to complete necessary forms. 本文综述了心理学田野调查的经验, 以及参与newbb电子平台社区的选择.

对我有什么好处? 鸟叔3910的好处

Hands-on learning experience in psychology—whether through volunteer experiences or employment opportunities—can play a significant role in helping students to determine career paths in psychology. 作为Dornan, Borshuizen, King和Scherpbeir(2007)建议, undergraduates who participate in hands-on learning experiences acquire two important qualities: 1) practical competence and skills; and 2) a state of mind characterized by confidence, 动机, 以及一种职业认同感. 这两个特点都加强了学生未来就业的凭据, 并帮助学生确定他们最感兴趣的职业类型.

For students considering graduate study in clinical or counseling psychology or 其他 practice-related fields (such as social work, or mental health counseling) field work experiences can help you to understand which types of clientele or mental health related issues you enjoy working with (or don’t enjoy working with!). Remember, learning what you don’t like to do is just as important as knowing what you do like to do! 对一些学生来说, field work may even rule out the idea of becoming a practitioner in psychology—as individuals realize that they enjoy 其他 tasks within professional psychology, 比如研究或教学.

而实地工作可以让学生接触到不同的临床人群, and a behind the scenes glimpse into the tasks and roles of psychologists and 其他 mental-health practitioners, fieldwork experiences can also be useful to students who are not considering careers in psychological service provision. 事实上, many undergraduate students inappropriately assume that volunteer work in psychology is only necessary for individuals who want to one day “practice” psych其他apy or become a mental health counselor! 然而, 即使你不打算成为一名专业咨询师或心理学家, fieldwork can play a critical role in refining vocational interests and building credentials for employment in an array of positions.

事实上, 50 percent of doctoral degrees in psychology are not in clinical or counseling psychology! 而且绝大多数心理学专业的学生都不接受研究生培训. 记住这一点, fieldwork can help students to build skills in a range of domains that can aide in developing credentials graduate study in 其他 fields—such as experimental psychology, 法律, 教育, 或者刑事司法——以及在完成本科学位后的就业.

作为从事心理学野外工作的结果, 主管可能会认识你, 你的工作习惯, 你的个性也很好. 他们可能愿意为未来的就业机会写推荐信. 这些主管也可以把你介绍给其他雇主和机会.

The “take home” message is that fieldwork experiences can benefit all undergraduate psychology majors.


  1. 让你接触到这个领域的新方面;
  2. 帮助你排除潜在的职业;
  3. develops new skills; or
  4. 加强现有技能. 


然而,以前的心理学专业学生一直追求一些实地工作经验, 学生也有可能参加“新的”实地工作经验. 所有现场工作经验, 即使他们曾经被学生追求过, 必须在实地考察开始前得到本科研究助理主席的批准. 联系 the Assistant Chair for 本科 Studies or 其他 faculty members of complete necessary forms. 要开始,请考虑以下几点:

  1. Use the web and feedback from 其他 students to research what a potential fieldwork experience will be like. 许多组织都有本地网页. 看看这是不是你感兴趣的经历, or if it is a position that will help you to see what a potential career path in psychology might be like. 试着找一个看起来很适合你目前职业发展目标的职位.
  2. 给组织打电话, 介绍自己是一名心理学专业的学生,对志愿者的机会感兴趣.
  3. 询问他们的机构是否有志愿者的空缺, 如果有可能收集到更多的信息.
  4. 一些组织会组织小组会议, and some organizations will set up individual meetings to provide more information on their program. 在这些信息发布会期间, 评估这个机会是否适合你目前的职业目标

虽然课程学分的实地工作经验是按学期安排的, 他们还可以在其他校园和社区组织中开辟新的就业途径. By reflecting on how the fieldwork experience has allowed you to learn more about you own personal and career interests, 你可以策略性地思考 其他 机会会帮助你进一步缩小兴趣范围, 回答你对这个领域的问题, 或者进一步发展一个既定的兴趣.

参考文献:Dornan, T.博水岑,H.金,N., & Scherpbier,. (2007). Experience-based learning: A model linking the processes and outcomes of medical students' workplace learning. 医学教育,41,84-91.