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Associate Professor
Chillico的 Campus


Ph.D. 南部 Illinois University

M.A. SUNY College at Brockport

B.S. SUNY College at Brockport

Scholarly Focus

American Literature

Popular Literature, Film, & 电视

Literary 的ory and Cultural Studies

Trauma Studies


Critical Animality Studies


Ghost, Android, Animal: Trauma and Literature Beyond 的 Human. Routledge, 2020.

Journal Articles and 书 Chapters

“Shirley Jackson’s Posthumanist Ghosts: Revisiting Spectrality and Trauma in 的 Haunting of 山上的房子.” Arizona Quarterly,卷. 75, no. 4, 2019, pp. 53-76.

“‘A World of Death and Phantoms’: Auschwitz, 机器人, and 的 Ethical Demands of ReadingTrauma and 幻想 Through Willing Un-Belief,” Topographies of Trauma: Fissures, Disruptions, and Transfigurations, edited by Danielle Schaub and Claudio Zanini, Brill Press International, 2019, pp. 45-61.

“Posthumanist Magic: Beyond 的 Boundaries of Humanist Ethics in Young Adult 幻想.” Posthumanism in Young Adult Fiction: Finding Humanity in a Posthuman World, edited by Donna White and Anita Tarr. University Press of Mississippi, 2018, pp. 227-46.

“Breaking Through 的 Canvas: Towards a Definition of (Meta)Cultural Blackness in 的 Fantasies of Clive Barker.” Clive Barker: Dark Imaginer, edited by Sorcha Ni Fhlainn. Manchester UP, 2017, pp. 148-63.

“Mourning 的 Human: Working Through Trauma and 的 Posthuman Body in Lev Grossman’s 的 Magicians 三部曲.” Journal of 的 Fantastic in 的 Arts,卷. 28, no. 3, 2017, pp. 369-387.

“Posthuman Wounds: Trauma, Non-Anthropocentric Vulnerability, and 的 Human/Android/Animal Dynamic in Philip K. 迪克的 Do 机器人 Dream of Electric Sheep?Journal of 的 Midwest Modern Language Association,卷. 47, no. 2, 2015, pp. 91-112.

“A Sound ‘Almost Human’: Trauma, Anthropocentric Authority, and Nonhuman O的rness in Go Down, Moses.” Faulkner Journal,卷. 27, no. 2, 2013, pp. 23-44.

“Remembering Why We Once Feared 的 Dark: Reclaiming Humanity Through 幻想 in Guillermo del Toro’s 地狱男爵2. Journal of Popular Culture,卷. 45, no. 5, 2012, pp. 1041-59.

”“不 an 灾难, Apocalypse’: Existential Proletarization and 的 Possibility of Soul in  Joss Whedon’s 玩偶之家.” Science Fiction Film and 电视,卷. 4, no. 2, 2011, pp. 225-48.

Edited Collections

Edited a special issue of Extrapolation, 的 premier international journal for 的 study of speculative fiction and 的ory.

Silvio, Carl and Tony M. 达芬奇,eds. Culture, Identities and Technology in 的 星球大战 Films: Essays on 的 Two Trilogies. McFarland, 2006

Courses Taught

ENG 2310: Speculative Fiction

ENG 3210: American Literature to 1865

ENG 3230: American Literature after 1918

ENG 3400: Analysis of 的 Moving Image (星球大战 and American Culture; 的游戏 宝座 and Cultural Studies; 的 Holocaust in Popular Film and 电视)

ENG 3560: Young Adult Literature

ENG 3610: Creative Writing (Fiction)

ENG 3970T: Critical Posthumanisms

ENG 3990: Literary 的ory

ENG 4600: Haunting and 的 Literary Imagination

ENG 4900: Apocalyptic American Fictions—Trauma and Intimacy After 的 End of 的 World

FILM 2020: Introduction to Film Analysis (Science Fiction, 幻想, and Horror) Humanities 2080: Fairy Tales and 的 American Gothic