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2012年物理 & 天文学 研究生 Student Publications

A selection of referred publications.

Meng Shi, Abhijit Chinchore, Kangkang Wang, Andrada-Oana Mandru, Yinghao Liu, and Arthur R. 史密斯
Formation of Manganese Delta-doped Atomic Layer in Wurtzite GaN
Journal of Applied 物理 112, 053517 (2012)

Kangkang Wang and Arthur R. 史密斯
Three-Dimensional Spin Mapping of Antiferromagnetic Nanopyramids Having Spatially Alternating Surface Anisotropy at Room Temperature
纳米快报 12 , 5443, (2012)

Abhijit Chinchore, Kangkang Wang, Meng Shi, Yinghao Liu, and Arthur R. 史密斯
Spontaneous Formation of Quantum Height Manganese Gallium Islands and Atomic Chains on N-polar Gallium Nitride(000-1)
Applied 物理 列托语ers 100, 061602, (2012)

T.-M. 刘anh T. 非政府组织,. 海明威,年代. 赫伯特,M. Melloch,年代. E. Ulloa和A. Kogan
Quantitative study of spin-flip co-tunneling transport in a quantum dot
理论物理. 牧师. B 86 , 045430 (2012)

大卫. Ruiz-Tijerina, P. S. Cornaglia C. A. Balseiro, and S. E. Ulloa
Dynamical magnetic anisotropy and quantum phase transitions in a vibrating spin–1 molecular junction
理论物理. 牧师. B 86 , 035437 (2012)

Ginetom年代. Diniz,. 大,和S. E. Ulloa
Helicoidal fields and spin polarized currents in CNT-DNA hybrids
理论物理. 牧师. 列托语. 108 , 126601 (2012)

Juan E. Rolon, Kushal C. Wijesundara,年代. E. Ulloa,. S. 肘板,D. Gammon,和E. A. Stinaff
Oscillatory acoustic phonon relaxation of excitons in quantum dot molecules
J. 选择. Soc. Am. B 29 , A146-A153 (2012)

安T. 非政府组织,J. Rodriguez-Laguna, S. E. 乌略亚和E. H. 金
Quantum manipulation via atomic-scale magnetoelectric effects
纳米快报 12 , 13-16 (2012)

A.O. Govorov Z. 风扇,.B. 内曼
Photothermal Effect of Plasmonic Nanoparticles and Related Bioapplications 在书中,”Complex-Shaped Metal Nanoparticles: Bottom-Up Syntheses and Applications,"
编辑:T.K. Sau和A.L. Rogach,页. 455-475, Wiley (2012)

S. Abrahamyan et al. (包括R. Beminiwattha, P.M. 王,我.H. 李,我. 罗氏和B. Waidyawansa)
New Measurements of the Transverse Beam Asymmetry for Elastic Electron Scattering from Selected Nuclei
理论物理. 牧师. 列托语. 109 , 192501(2012)

S. Abrahamyan et al. (包括R. Beminiwattha, P.M. 王,我.H. 李和B. Waidyawansa)
Measurement of the Neutron Radius of 208Pb Through Parity-Violation in Electron Scattering
理论物理. 牧师. 列托语. 108 , 112502 (2012)

Z. 艾哈迈德等人. (包括R. Beminiwattha, P.M. 王,我.H. 李,我. 罗氏和B. Waidyawansa)
New Precision Limit on the Strange Vector Form Factors of the Proton
理论物理. 牧师. 列托语. 108 , 102001 (2012)

Ragozzine B. ; Clowe, D.; Markevitch, M.; Gonzalez, A. H.; Brada?, M.
Weak-lensing Results for the Merging Cluster A1758
The Astrophysical Journal 744, Issue 2, (2012)

P. Roustazadeh and M. Bottcher
Synchrotron Emission from VHE Gamma-Ray Induced Pair Cascades in AGN Environments
Astrophysical Journal, 750, 26 (2012)

安东库扎克, Robert Schreiber, 志远风扇, Günther Pardatscher, Eva-Maria Roller, Alexander Högele, 弗里德里希·C. Simmel, Alexander O. Govorov & 蒂姆Liedl
DNA-based self-assembly of chiral plasmonic nanostructures with tailored optical response
自然 483, 311-314 (2012)

Chen Ji, Daniel R. Phillips, Lucas Platter
The three-boson system at next-to-leading order in an effective field theory for systems with a large scattering length
Annals of 物理 327, Issue 7, (2012)

D. B. 塞尔C. R. 布伦,维. E. 卡特,维. K. 雅各布斯T. N. 梅西和J. E. OʼDonnell
E2 Interference Effects in the 12C(α,γ0)16O Reaction
理论物理. 牧师. 列托语. 109, 142501 (2012)